Hippocrates said over 2500 years ago “all disease begins in the gut.” It has taken a lot of years but modern medicine now knows this to be true.
75% of our immune system is located in the gut and autoimmune conditions are immune system problems not body part problems.
We can take the control reins of our health back in large part by healing our gut. What does this mean?
Emerging research reveals that the microbiome – the vast ecosystem of microbes in our gut – is a powerful ally and perhaps our greatest defense against autoimmune conditions.
What is the “gut?” The large and small intestines. The large intestine is called the colon. It’s about 5 feet long and 4 inches in diameter. It hosts the microbiome in your body which is a vast ecosystem of microbes made up of mostly beneficial bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses that infect bacteria but are harmless to humans.
The small intestine is 23 feet long and an inch in diameter. The lining of the small intestine contains thousands of finger-like projections called villi that resemble shag carpeting. The villi increase the surface area for absorbing nutrients. It’s the home of the immune system that defends and protects you from unwanted invaders, most of which are things you eat and pass through your digestive system.
The lining of the small intestine is the most important barrier between you and the outside world. It’s crucial for maintaining your health and well-being.
Wait a minute! There’s nothing wrong with my gut!
If you have mysterious or unwanted symptoms anywhere in your body, you also have gut issues, whether or not you can feel it in your gut.
If you have autoimmune issues, you have gut issues.
The gut is deeply connected to other systems in the body, like a central networked hub that controls or influences much of your health and well-being.
Imbalances in gut flora and intestinal permeability have far-reaching consequences and have been implicated in virtually all autoimmune conditions.
World renowned neurologist, David Perlmutter, MD says the brain is highly influenced by the gut and this has relevance for every neurodegenerative condition. Inflammation has its genesis in the gut. It is the root cause. Inflammation is the invisible enemy present in almost every disease process. The gut is ground zero for widespread inflammation in the body.
What causes inflammation?
Many things! To name just a few lifestyle factors:
- SAD foods – sugar, artificial sweetners, gluten, dairy, grains, processed oils
- Chronic stress
- Excessive alcohol or caffeine
- Poor sleep
- Unresolved emotional trauma
- Smoking
- Soda (both regular and diet)
Other factors:
- Heavy metals
- Antibiotics, antacids and some prescription meds
- Excessive EMFs
- Infections
- Oxidative stress
- Toxins (pesticides, herbicides, bacterial byproducts, fungal toxins
- Pain relievers
The microbiome lives in the large intestine – aka the colon.
A healthy microbiome is like a big, diverse neighborhood where people of all races and nationalities get along and coexist. Trouble begins when one race or nationality dominates and basically rules the roost to the detriment of the others, who get marginalized or squeezed out of the neighborhood entirely.
What does a healthy and balance microbiome do?
- Helps the immune system distinguish friend from foe
- Modulates inflammation, helping the gut lining to heal
- Supports digestion, helping to assimilate nutrients
- Regulate hormones
- Eliminate toxins
- Control appetite and metabolism
- Influence mood
- And more…..
This is part one – a tour of the vital organs and gaining an understanding of their importance. The health of your gut directly correlates to your overall health. Stay turned for part two that will help you identify the condition of your gut and how you can heal it (if necessary).
Join me for my live webinar on this topic! Click the link for more information and sign up to get the Zoom link. I hope to see you there!