Good health in all areas of life is a treasure! Typically, good health requires some intentionality; including self-awareness of actions or habits.
If you follow me, you know that I’ve been talking about the importance of constructing your Wellness Vision. In fact, I’m hosting a how-to workshop on this topic. Your Wellness Vision is your treasure map! Habits are the stepping stones to Your Best Life!
Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement. That’s right. Good habits, starting very small, multiply themselves over time and make a huge difference! You may not notice any difference on the daily but keep at it and you will be amazed at how your small efforts multiply!
The Role of Habits in Your Wellness Journey
Life and wellness is full of habits. Good and bad. Our habits shape who we are. News flash! You are in control of your habits! Consistency is key when implementing a new (tiny) habit or removing a less desirable habit. The process of selecting specific, impactful habits to add or remove begins with our Wellness Vision. This plan must be in alignment with your goals.
I suggest knowing your deeper why. Spending time with God and creating your Wellness Vision in accordance with what He is calling you to do or how He wants you to live.
Mapping Out Your Habits
After creating your Wellness Vision you can map out the gap between where you are now and where you want to be in the relevant areas of your life you want to grow. Identifying the gap is the first step, then asking yourself, what needs to happen to close the gap? Finally, breaking it down into very small steps. Tiny steps. Overwhelm kills progress so tiny steps win! Tiny steps done consistently lead to the goal!
Depending on the distance of the gap, (where you are today and where you want to be in the future) you may want to develop progressive steps that have tiny steps included. I do this with you in my one-on-one coaching which is super helpful to have someone to brainstorm the plan as well as revise it as needed. Accountability is very helpful and the odds of reaching your goal skyrocket when you make yourself accountable to a trusted friend, coach or loved one, provided your accountability partner is supportive and encouraging.
Flexibility and Celebration
Life can be messy. Goals and the plan may need to be adjusted. The Wellness Vision roadmap may need to change with life circumstances. All this is to be expected. Consistency is important and so is flexibility. Life is fluid and the plan is fluid too. The important part is to give yourself grace. This doesn’t mean give yourself excuses or permission to give up. It simply means to acknowledge challenges and flow with it. Adjust as necessary and continue winning!
It’s also important to celebrate! Every win is a big deal and deserves celebration. Decide ahead of time how you will celebrate when you achieve milestones. Then enjoy and bask in what you accomplished. This is encouraging and leads to greater resolve to keep going.
Since the first step is creating your Wellness Vision, I hope you will register and attend my upcoming workshop: How to Create Your Wellness Vision & Thrive by Design!
Register here:
Create your treasure map and Go Get Your Treasure! It’s waiting for you! Do not delay, life will move on regardless. You CAN do this!
In love and health,