woman, yoga, stretching

6 Benefits of Yoga for Autoimmune Healing

Gentle movement transforms your health!

I discovered yoga only a few years ago. I had driven by my local yoga studio for many years and always told myself, I should try yoga. Honestly, I did not give yoga the credit it deserves. Years later I saw an advertisement for a special low rate for new people to come into the local studio and give it a try, I seized the opportunity and haven’t looked back. In fact, I found it to be so beneficial to my own health and healing that I knew instantly, I need to become yoga certified and bring this healing modality to my clients! I did!

This blog post is going to tell you exactly what’s so great about gentle yoga.

First, my initial yoga experience introduced me to different types of yoga. I began with a power yoga class and it was hard! It was also hot! The room was 95 degrees. I decided that wasn’t for me, at least not yet.

Next, I tried Hatha yoga which was also difficult at the time, but it was more do-able (slower), and I enjoyed the challenge. However, the room was also 95 degrees, and I had trouble with the heat. I tell others, I have my own internal heat (hot flashes!) that certainly don’t need any help!

Finally, I tried gentle yoga with a cooler room and that was my sweet spot. It still is!

Here’s what gentle yoga does for me and will do for you!

Promotes Mind-Body Connection: As we know, autoimmune is the body being confused and attacking its healthy tissues as if they were foreign invaders. In many cases (mine included) we are under chronic levels of stress and are not in tune with our body and its needs. Gentle yoga is calming for the mind and body and helps us to get in touch with ourselves. The mind-body connection is powerful for healing.

Reduces Inflammation: Gentle movements and stretches help reduce chronic inflammation, a key issue in autoimmune conditions. It also feels good! We hold stress in our bodies and resistance while stretching will be there but as we consistently work through it, it improves.

Stress Reduction: Yoga promotes relaxation through breathing exercises, which lower cortisol levels and help manage autoimmune flares. Breathing and becoming aware of breath is a meditative practice where the cares and worries we have are put aside to focus on the basic function of breathing. This is a perfect time for a gratitude practice. In my yoga practice, I thank God for my breath and His blessings in my life as I notice how my body is feeling and what it needs that day. It is important to notice without reaction. Total acceptance and love of your body. The body is truly amazing and is very resilient.

Spiritual Connection: Yoga provides a space for mindfulness and spiritual reflection, fostering inner peace. I practice worship on my mat. Like I said, my yoga practice is expressing gratitude to God and quieting my thoughts, becoming still and listening to Him. Particularly in savasana at the end which is a comfortable pose, completely still and quiet. Soft worship music is nice too.

Enhances Mobility: Gentle yoga increases flexibility and joint mobility without putting strain on the body. Typically, I start my yoga practice laying flat on my back. The stretches are gentle and held for a period of time. Every body is created uniquely and should never be compared to anyone else. In fact, your own body will react differently on different days. Consistently practicing yoga leads to greatly improved mobility.

Boosts Energy: Regular yoga practice can improve energy levels and combat autoimmune fatigue. As autoimmune warriors, we all know the perils of chronic fatigue. Moving our body in gentle yoga is a tremendous help to combat the fatigue. In fact, there have been days and sometimes weeks that I have not practiced yoga and I can tell the difference. When I get back to my yoga mat, it feels so good and my body is happy.

Personally, I like to practice yoga at my local yoga studio where I am in community with the regular yogis there. However, I also converted a bedroom in my home into a yoga studio with the intention of expanding my personal practice as well as having space to video myself and bring online yoga to my clients. I am exploring this opportunity and gauging interest. You will likely hear more about it.

My first yoga certification was through YogaFaith. It is private worship on your mat! This is the type of yoga I will share when the time is right!

I hope this encourages you to give yoga a try if you haven’t already! It really is powerful!

With love, wishing you health and healing,


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